Red SBS, LLC is an independent, woman owned business committed to providing support for small, locally owned businesses in Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. The firm was conceived with a mission to help our unique small businesses succeed and thrive by providing short-term, contracted support. Many of our local businesses are operated by a single owner, with limited financial resources. Red SBS can help you keep your businesses functioning when those resources are stretched thin.
Jane Red Knox, Owner of Red SBS, has worked at independent businesses in Abingdon, Virginia for the last 20 years. Prior to that time, she managed an environmental consulting business with over 20 employees in Nashville and Abingdon. Formal education includes a B.S. in Forest Resources and a M.S. in Forest Hydrology from the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!) With experience in retail, consulting, education and non-profit organizations, she is readily able to provide most services required by small businesses. A variable fee structure is used based on the services required.